Interviews can be intimidating. However, we know that they’re also a chance for you to get to know the employer, as much as it is a chance for them to get to know you. Our expert team have pulled together their top tips on impressing employers and making the most of interviews in the creative industries…
Make sure you do your research
The key to preparation is knowledge and you can only get that knowledge through research. Homework about your target industry or organisation is never wasted time! Research the company and know its clients, recent work and values. How does the work they do resonate with you, and what makes them stand out as a company?
The ‘STARR’ method is a great way to showcase your past success
STARR stands for situation, task, action, result & reflection. In simple terms, describe a particular challenge, your responsibilities in relation to it, the steps you took to address the challenge – and finally the positive outcome and what it taught you.
Building on your cover letter, think about the transferable skills you’ve gained so far and how they directly relate to specific tasks outlined on the original advert. Your transferable skills could come from your work experience, voluntary roles, personal projects, or hobbies.
Talk about what you’d love to learn from the role
As well as demonstrating what you can already do, your potential employer will know that you are invested if you’re asking about what opportunities there will be to gain new skills and experiences. What are you curious to explore in this role, and what are your long-term goals?
Prepare questions in advance
Aim to ask questions that show genuine interest in the company and the role. You could ask about opportunities for growth, team dynamics, or ask about any exciting upcoming projects or opportunities.
Flag any reasonable adjustments that are needed
Get in touch with the employer if you require adjustments to make your interview more accessible. Examples include wheelchair access, a different format for documents, or more time on an interview test.
You can read more about our advice on reasonable adjustments here.
Plan ahead so there’s no need to worry about logistics on the day
With an in-person interview, leave plenty of time to arrive at the destination and make sure you have any details about where to go. If the interview is online, etiquette is still important. Test out your video call software with a friend if you haven’t used it before.
Remember to breathe
A lot of people find interviews stressful or anxiety-inducing to some degree. If this is something you’re struggling with, this might be a helpful time to learn more about mindfulness, breathing exercises, meditation, self-compassionate & other techniques to ground yourself. And don’t forget that an interview is ultimately a conversation where all sides are looking for a positive outcome.
An interview is an exciting opportunity but as with anything, practice makes perfect. Even if the outcome isn’t what you wanted, it’s a fantastic chance to learn something new and build towards your goals.